how to prospect in the digital age

Getting in the door and selling to corporate has dramatically changed over the past 25 years. Gone are the days when pitching by cold calling – otherwise known as “Dialing for Dollars” – ruled the sales game.  Technology has ushered in a whole new way of accessing information and communicating with prospects that is much more effective for building and nurturing relationships – if you do it right.

Want to learn how to engage with corporate decision makers like a world-class consultant and true Trusted Advisor? Here’s how we can work together to make it happen.

Engage in a half-day 1:1 strategy session where we will:

  • Map out a comprehensive list of corporate decision makers targeted specifically for your service offering
  • Build your prospecting approach – specifically create email messaging and call approach to communicating with target decision makers (that you can customize for each decision-maker) that will get you in the door and get meetings
  • Develop your target Top 25 organizations list.
  • Create a nurture campaign so you can keep top-of-mind with decision makers who aren’t ready for your service or product … YET!

Deliverable: Walk away with your universe of targeted corporate decision makers. Have your foundational email message and call approach ready to go. You’ll also receive my Top 25 list tool to help you stay on track with all your prospect outreach.

half-DAY SESSION (3.5 hours)

Find out more by signing up for a free 30-minute strategy session.